Friday 22 April 2011


                                                             The palm sugar syrup
Now for the soya bean curd.


3 cups soya beans soaked for about 8 hours.
A bunch of pandan leaves
3 tbs corn flour
1 tbs gymsum powder (calcium sulphate)
2 litres of water

For syrup:
300 grms palm sugar
Few pandan leaves
¼ cup water

Wash the soaked beans in few changes of water.
Some like to squeeze out the skin of the beans.
Separate the beans into 3 batches.
Add equal amount of water and grind till fine.
Squeeze out all the liquid with a piece of muslin cloth.
For bean curd the milk should be only 2 litres.

To make the beancurd, mix the corn flour and gymsum
Powder with 1 cup of water in a container.
Meanwhile boil the soyabean milk in a pot.
When the milk has boiled for 20 minutes,
Remove the pot and pour the boiling milk into the
Container where you have mixed the 2 powders.
Pour the milk from a height of about 2 feet from the container.
This helps the powders to mix evenly with the milk.
You should not disturb the container for about 20 minutes.
This will help the beancurd to set well.

Make the syrup with palm sugar and pandan leaves.
To serve, simply scoop beancurd into a bowl add syrup
Best eaten hot.

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