Making this sharbeth brings back old sweet memories.
My granny had a fan made of this root.
She would sprinkle little water and fan herself.
The air will have a sweet smell of the root.
She also had a very big earthen pot for drinking water.
(No filters that time)
She will crush a little root and put it in the pot. The drinking water will have the flavor of the root.
The roots have cooling effects.
100 grms of the nanari root ( veti ver )
½ litre of water
1 litre of warm water
2 kg sugar
2 tbs jaggery ( optional
Wash and clean the roots well.
Slightly crush the roots with a heavy object.
In a pot add the crushed roots and the warm water.
Keep over night. The water would have changed colour little.
The next day, add the ½ litre of water to the soaked roots.
Now you will have 1 ½ litres of water with the roots.
Now boil the water with the roots for about ½ an hour on sim.
Remove and keep aside.
Now in a different pot, add the sugar.
Add little water and keep on stirring.
The sugar syrup should have the consistency of honey.
Now strain the water boiled with the roots and add it to the syrup.
Give a good stir, keep aside to cool.
You can boil the jaiggery and add to the syrup,
Jaggery is added to get the hue to the syrup.
To prepare one glass of juice:
Put 1 tbs of syrup in a glass.
Add 1 tsp of lime juice.
Pour iced cold water.
Stir the contents and serve chilled.
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