Wednesday, 20 April 2011



500 grms raw rice soaked for 1 hour
300 grms jaggery or brown sugar
½ tsp cardamom powder

Drain the rice in a colander. Spread it on a paper and let it dry partially.
The rice should be slightly wet. Grind the rice and sieve it once.

Add one cup of water and make the syrup. Before it comes to boil, filter it.
Boil again stirring frequently. When the syrup is bubbling, slow the fire.
To test wheather it has come to the right stage ( patham ) , drop a little
Syrup in a cup of water. You can gather the syrup into a smooth ball. (not stiff ball)
You have to test this method several times after the syrup has come to a boil.
Off the stove. Sprinkle the flour mixed with the cardamom powder, littlt by little
And mix well. The batter must not be very stiff, a bit soft. If we make a ball from it
It must be smooth, and should not break or crack.

Pour the batter into a greased bowl. Pour about 1 ½ tbs of ghee on top of the batter
And keep. You can make the athirasam the next day. (normally I keep for 4 days)
On the day of making athirasam, you remove the batter and knead well.
Incase your batter has harden, just sprinkle a little hot water and knead well.

Heat oil in a wok on a medium flame. Pat the dough in your palm into a disc.
Make a hole in the centre, and deep fry. The athirasam should puff up when you fry.
It will be a bit crisp on the first day. The next day it will become soft.
Well with pratice only , one can make perfect athirasam.

Note: Normally we keep the flour in a clay pot ( pasi) and then cover it with a muslin cloth.
You can also keep it in a tupperware container, but no air tight cover, only cloth tied around the container. More than 4 days its better to keep in the fridge.

I normally have ready made athirasa flour in a zip log bag in my fridge. It will stay good for few months.

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