Sunday 17 July 2011



Suvai, here is the sambar for you.


1 cup of toor dal soaked and boiled

200 grms zucchini, washed and sliced
4 shallots whole
1 onion chopped big
4 green chillies slit into 4 and cut across
1 big tomato chopped

½ cup of tamarind juice from a lime sized ball of tamarind
2 tbs sambar powder
1 tsp chillie powder
¼ tsp tumeric powder
Salt to taste

1 tbs of oil
½ tsp urad dal
½ tsp mustard seeds
¼ tsp cumin seeds
3 red chillies broken into pieces
4 pips of garlic smashed
1 sprig curry leaves
A pinch of asafoetida powder

Little cut coriander leaves
1 tbs of grated coconut for garnish


In a big pot add about 3 cups of water.
Add in the cut zucchini, shallots, onion, green chillies and tomatoes.
Cover and cook until the zucchini is little cooked, but not mushy.

Add in the tamarind juice, sambar powder, chillie powder, tumeric,
and salt to taste. Cook for about 2 minutes.
Add in the cooked toor dal, mix well.

Add enough water to make the right consistency.
Heat a pan with the oil. Add in the urad dal and garlic.
Let them brown a bit, add in the mustard and cumin seeds.

Let them splutter, add in red chillies and curry leaves and asafoetida.
Mix well and pour it into the sambar. Add the coconut if you wish.
Let it come to one boil, remove and garnish with the coriander leaves.
Serve with rice roti idli or dosai.

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