Monday 11 July 2011


A simple recipe: Natural rose milk
This is a recipe I madeup - my kid loves rose milk and I don't like giving her stuffs with artificial flavor and color.So I used rose gulkand and beetroot to make this rose milk.

Rose Gulkand is nothing but rose petals preserved in sugar...These are available easily even in small dept stores... Rose Gulkand is said to have a cooling effect on the body, reduces pittha and also has many medicinal properties... You can have the gulkand as such( 1 or 2 tsp a day)...very tasty...Don't eat too much as it is a mild laxative too... rose gulkand is commonly used in beedas...

I personally HATE rose milk and so I din't taste it... but the lil one loved it...So I guess it tastes good... all I can say is the flavour was superb and the color too...

Natural rose milk

To 3/4 cup of milk add1 thin medium slice of beetroot chopped roughly and bring it to a boil. Once the desired colour is reached( baby pink is what we are looking for here), switch off flame and let it cool down.
In a mixie grind together 1 tsp(or more) sugar, 1/4 cup water and 1 heaped tsp of rose gulkand. You can add more or less depending on how flavorful the gulkand is.
Add this mixture to completely cooled milk. Mix well and then strain.
Serve chilled or at room temperature.

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