Thanks Dev, for starting the subject on curry leaves.
As I know there are two types of curry leaves.
One type the leaves will be big, but with no aroma.
The other type is the leaves will be small with nice curry leaves aroma.
I have the second type in my house.

I am posting some facts about curry leaves that I remember reading somewhere.
Thanks to the owner.

The bitter nature of curry leaf has two wonderful
properties-essentially 'cooling' nature and antibacterial activity.
Hence it is not only a friend of our digestive system, but also a
wonderfully soothing way to treat minor burns, skin eruptions, burning
sensation in the skin and infections like allergic skin rashes from
insect bites, etc.
Curry leaf is laden with Vitamin E (powerful antioxidant) and you have
the perfect skin and hair food/tonic.
It is also high in vitamins - A, B and C.
It also has vital minerals like iron, calcium and phosphorous, the
levels of iron high enough to be used to treat anaemia.

Curry leaf powder can be eaten with chapatis, rice, used as a
sandwich-spread which is good for people with diabetes.
Coconut-curry leaf oil when massaged on the scalp (leave for about
30-50 minutes and shampoo thoroughly) cures dandruff.
Consumption of curry leaf paste cures diarrhoea, dysentery and also
removes worms from the stomach.
Hibiscus-curry leaf hair wash is a very good remedy for dry and dull hair.
Coconut-curry leaf oil (gently apply on the affected area) cures
eczema, allergic skin rash, burning sensation and dry, dull skin.
Curry leaves are said to be very useful in treating non- insulin
dependable diabetes. Eating 5 or 6 fresh curry leaves empty stomach in
the morning helps control diabetes. Chew curry leaves and water, it
acts as a herbal mouthwash.
Include few curry leaves in your daily diet, to maintain optimum
weight. Curry leaves contains beta- carotene (antioxidant) which helps
prevent certain cancers. And studies show that, these leaves can
reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.
Curry leaves gives best results when used fresh, but it does not lose
much benefits when refrigerated. So what else do we need; start adding
more curry leaves into your menu.