Sunday, 15 May 2011


T he friendly bacteria found in yogurt have been useful in the following ways:

* Reduce cholesterol in the blood
* Aid digestion by producing certain, necessary enzymes
* Reduce unhealthy (bad) bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract
* Detoxify toxic materials in the diet
* Reduce high blood pressure
* Strengthen our immunity
* Assist in elimination of ailments such as colon irritation, constipation, diarrhoea
* Manufacture and assimilate B complex
* Produce natural antibiotics to inhibit pathogens
* Produce cancer or tumour suppressing compounds
* Detoxify hazardous chemicals added to food
* Increase calcium assimilation (thus lowering risks of osteoporosis)
* Help eliminate bad breath and gas
* Retard yeast infection
* Help alleviate anxiety and stress

And the list goes on…

Here is a recipe for flavoured yogurt which your children will love to eat. Thanks. Kugan98



1 litre whole milk
1/3 cup of maple syrup
2 tbs of plain yogurt
Fruits of your choice.


Scald 1 litre of milk, stir in the maple syrup.
Pour it into a glass bowl with a lid.
The milk should be warm not hot.
Add in the plain yogurt, mix.
Cover and let it sit undisturbed for about 8 hours,
in a warm place.

Once the milk is curdled , you can put it in the fridge.
Cut the fruits of your choice into small pieces.
Serve in small cups with the added fruits.

Note: you can add, mangoes, pineapples, plums, strawberries,
bananas, and so on.

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